Today is February twelfth, two days before the official anniversary of the founding of Siggiko (das Kleingewerbe)!
Yes, also Valentine's Day. But no matter, February is a wonderful, if short, month that also happens to be "my" month in the "Battle of Print" calendar! As expected, I did not win the "Battle of Print" competition, but I am very proud to have received an honorable mention and inclusion in not only the exhibition, but also the printed calendar. For anyone interested in seeing more, you can visit the Kommunikationsverband Nordwest's Facebook presence here.
(I even shared a little more about the direction of as well as motivation for my ongoing comic project, "Die Pest in Sachsen", so the Facebook post officially has some extra exclusive content.)
As is now also becoming a tradition, I am sharing another sneak peak of the current progress of the cover illustration featured in the "Battle of Print" competition. Getting this finished in time for the anniversary would be ideal. Hopefully I will have more to share in two days!